P90x lean routine itself is the whole training which is not much different but divided into three versions.

Mostly because the hand-eye coordination is challenging…especially when you use the side of your body that isn’t natural (meaning if you are right handed and you have to throw with your left hand, it is extremely unnatural). Just when you think the hell of the Plyometrics strength training exercises are over, Tony Horton slips in his “Sports Bonus.” A little note to those who did not play sports in high school: You’ll find these exercises especially annoying. Hated – Note: Tony Horton refers to this exercise as “the Mother of all Moves” which should give you a clear indication as to how much I hated this exercise. I think “like” is a little strong of a word for any plyometrics exercise. I also rated how much I liked the exercise with the following: Liked, Tolerated, Disliked…and the ever so often “Hated.” Again, the rating of “Like” is relative. It is just the easiest as compared to the others. I’ve listed each grouping of exercises with my assessment of their level of difficulty on a scale of 1 to 5…5 being the most difficult. There were a total of five groups…or ten sets…of these strength training exercises. The bulk of the plyometrics were structured so that you did two sets of a group of exercises, with a water break in between like so: The class is set up so that you can do the workout in about 50 – 65 square feet of space. If you do the math, that means about 45 minutes of painful strength training exercises. The Plyometrics program was about 58 minutes with a 9 minute warm up and a 5 minute cool down. He doesn’t stop talking, moving, working or joking with his “class.” Annoying to say the least. And Tony Horton sure does exemplify this.

I will say this, however: teaching Bootcamp is way more fun than taking Bootcamp. Bootcamp (read: Plyometrics) just isn’t fun. And now, I think I finally understand why I had only seven people come to my classes regularly, when I’d get dozens to my other classes. Plyometrics specifically reminded me of the Bootcamp classes I taught as a group fitness instructor. I’m going to be honest…this is day 2 of P90X and although I am physically fit enough to get through the routines…I’m not exactly “enjoying” them. Supposedly, this system uses more than the usual number of “motor units.” Whatever…it stinks. These movements cause your muscles to shorten and then immediately lengthen. As Tony Horton so blatantly put it…it is the “Mother of all P90X workouts.” Plyometrics gets your heart rate up into the cardio zone while strengthening muscles through bursts of energy…mostly made up of hops, bounds, and jumps. I hated the P90X Plyometrics workout before I even started.